Moving to New York City

NYC is a big city with a lot of people resident in the city. I’m sure you may have heard that it takes a level of strength to be able to live and thrive in the city. Now the quality of your strength will not only be put to test while living in NYC but

NYC is a big city with a lot of people resident in the city. I’m sure you may have heard that it takes a level of strength to be able to live and thrive in the city. Now the quality of your strength will not only be put to test while living in NYC but even in the process of moving to the city. On living within NYC, you will always find tips from neighbours, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances. But before you even get to make friends and acquaintances in the city, you must have first successfully moved in. So here is where I come in. I’ll be dropping a few tips on how to move to NY. So sit tight, and read on.

It’ll be crazy trying to move all by myself

For one, it is not safe trying to handle the process of moving all by yourself. Having to pack and box your stuff, load them into the moving van, arrange them in such a way that you don’t get some items broken. Getting the truck down to your destination in NYC then beginning the process of offloading and unpacking. It is not a job for one person. Ensure that you work with a team. Involve your family or friends or just hire the services of a moving company. Sometimes the risk you run is not worth the few bucks you are trying to save. There are several affordable and reliable movers within NYC, hence, note this tip well.

Plan your move date

You do not have to wait till the end of the month before you move. It is always better to move during weekends but you’ll agree that month ends do not always fall in weekends. So for this reason, you can plan your move date to fall on the last weekend of that month. Another reason you have to plan your move date is so that you can have enough time to settle in before you need to start that job or project that brought you to the city.

Now is a good time to take inventory of your properties

This is especially important when your new space will not take as much as your present space does. While packing you are able to see how much stuff you’ve accumulated over the periods and scanning for the ones that you should do away with wouldn’t be difficult. Take out some of your stuff that has not been used in months. Declutter! Purge! Sell them off on the app, give them out, or make donations.
It’s not nice to pack loads of stuff that will eventually just cutter up your new space.

Label boxes

For easy unpacking, it is important that you assemble items of like use or properties in a box and label. This makes for easy and fast unpacking and arrangement. Items that will be needed during unpacking like knives, toilet papers, rags, and the rest should be packed together and labeled. Also, some items that you’ll need immediate access to just in case you do not finish unpacking in one day should be boxed together and labeled. For instance, cutleries, beddings, tooth-wash, shower-kit, sleepwear, should be packed together for easy access.
Note that items like your money, jewelry, debit cards, social security card, and passports should be kept in small bags that you’ll handle yourself and keep close to you during the process and unpacking process. This is to ensure the security of prized possession during moving.

Living spaces in New York are usually small

It is important to note, especially if you are moving into NYC and not within the city. Rooms in houses in New York are not as big and wide as those in some other location, so it is important that you run a measurement across the dimension of the new apartment so be sure that your stuff will all fit into your new space.

Get the House key a few days before you move

This will prevent the moving process from being too rowdy and disorderly. Speak with your rental agent before time.
Now that is my advice to you on moving to NYC, I hope that from these moving hints you got to learn the best ways to move to New York.

General Moving Hints

• Get recommendations from friends and colleagues about moving companies; do not just engage anyone you find. You can speak with Rental agents too.
• Movers will need details like the number of rooms being moved, the number of big items, the number of floors in new and old buildings.
• Movers’ charges increase with more floor walk-ups.
• To move you’ll need packing tapes, box cutters, labeling materials, trash bags, mattress bags, cleaning supplies, and agents.
• Pack clothes in suitcases, shoes in a duffle bag, storage bin or hampers, dishes, and other items inboxes.
• Packing can be done in bits. Start by picking up your off-season clothes and items.
• Do not discard electronics with your regular trash. It could attract fine. Just dump electronics items off at a retail location free of charge.
• Ensure that movers move your heavy items to the space you intended for them to be. Having to eventually move your couch or dresser on your own can be a nightmare.
• After moving remember to change your address with all necessary authorities like credit card companies, cable companies, your doctors, banks, and other necessary authorities.
• Measure your space to be sure your furniture will fit in especially through the doors. Some of the doorways in NYC apartments are small.
• It gets really troubling when heavy items can’t get through some places.
• For security reasons, ensure that someone is on the lookout at the parking lot watching the truck outside.
• Tip movers. Understand that this is not a rule; it is only advisable that you tip them.
Moving to NYC is not at all for the fainthearted, ensure that you put your health first, and then the safety of your properties and belongings while making moving decisions.

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